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It was great working with Kathy Hylton during my search for a franchise. She made sure to understand my goals before pushing any opportunities my way. It was clear she was searching for the right fit for me and that was important. Kathy and her group have deep tentacles in the franchise game and they are 100% worth partnering with if you are serious about becoming a franchisee but don’t want someone throwing every random opportunity at you. I would recommend and work with Kathy again for sure. 

Dave Reek

Hello Garage of Fargo

Once I began my search I was inundated with sales people trying to sign me up into a process I did not fully comprehend. Then I met Kathy. Kathy was nothing like the pushy and persistent people I had been dealing with—she was concerned with me and what best suited me and my future.

I had a vague idea of what I was looking for in a franchise and Kathy worked with me tirelessly in the vetting process of what seemed like good fits for me. She was never pushy but had a constant check on my pulse and gently guided and directed me along in the process of finding a match for me.

It was a painless process and Kathy was incredibly knowledgeable with the initial choices I made. When I had questions or concerns, she was always there for me and worked out the matters with my best interest in the forefront.

Only with Kathy’s guidance and expertise was I able to select the best franchise for me—and it was seemingly that magic glass slipper. But she did not leave me there when I selected my franchise, she stayed right there with me and guided me safely into the next set of hands. Even after her job with me was finished she continued to share her knowledge and experience with me with valuable information and insight, or sometimes just to check up with me and the process.

We have all heard about hindsight—I am blessed that Kathy kept us at 20/20 the entire time—and I had no regrets about any of the steps along the way and certainly not with my final selection. 

There is no doubt that Kathy was the right choice for a life changing opportunity. I would use her again and I will surely refer her to others that are considering a franchise search of their own.


David A. Knight 

Owner/Operator: Dryer Vent Wizard

Thank you, Kathy, for your assistance with our franchise research. Thank you for arranging the interviews with various franchise reps and remaining unbiased and professional; allowing us to make our own decision!

The Crawford’s! 

I am in my early 50’s and was tired of working in the corporate world and was looking for an opportunity for owning my own business. I was contacted by Jon Hylton with Franchise Plus Consulting. While looking for the right opportunity may have been an option, Jon guided me through a process that would have been far more difficult without his assistance. Jon spent the time getting to know me, my strengths, my skillset and provided me with opportunity to speak with several different franchise opportunities. While the decision was based solely on my desire, Jon provided me with multiple businesses in different industries for me to speak with. After about one month and many discussions, I was able to make a choice on the company that fit my needs. Jon was with me all of the way through the process, making certain that the information I needed was being provided. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with Jon and for his knowledge about franchising opportunities and his ability to connect me with so many different individuals.

Joshua Buehre

New Franchise Owner for Mr. Appliance

I just wanted to make sure that we let you know that we’re open for business!!! It’s such a great feeling to be small business owners in our community, and we wanted to let you know that we recognize and appreciate the role that you played in helping us get here. We truly appreciate all of the time and effort you put into helping us explore and learn about this franchise as well as the connections that you helped us make. We will gladly send anyone your way who is looking to explore one of your franchise connections.

Thank You,

Lori Avallone

I want to thank you for all the assistance you provided me, along with a healthy dose of patience. Your recommended partners for funding and legal review were great. Thanks again, and feel free to use me as a reference to potential business owners if they want an unbiased opinion of your assistance.


Bud Gay


WOW! this is finally becoming a reality. I have wanted to do this for a long time and finally things starting to coming together. Thank you so much for working through this Journey with me.

Mike Martin

The last couple years have been quite a whirlwind but we are happy with our progress. Thank you for your guidance to help us get started in this venture.

Signworld Owner